
Showing posts from June, 2016

Delegate, Anonymous Method and Lamda Expression in C# (Part 1/2)

Hello everyone, in this blog I will discuss Lamda Expression which is an important part of C# programming language. It is extensively used in LINQ, delegates and events. Before I discuss what Lamda expression is, I will first briefly discuss delegates and anonymous function because it is a kind of prerequisite for understanding Lamda Expression. What is a Delegate? In simple words, delegate holds a reference to a method or function. Once we have a reference to a method then we can call that method or function by that reference. That’s it. Why Delegate? Delegates support events and a solid pillar for event handling mechanism Delegates execute methods at runtime without having their information about its definition at compile time How to create a Delegate? Just like the way we create an instance of a class i.e. first we define a class which describes an object and create an instance of it. Similarly, we first define how a delegate would look like and then