.NET Core 3 officially comes to Windows IoT Core

Finally, the wait is over! Microsoft announced to support .NET Core on Windows ARM32 devices which means .NET Core will be fully supported on Windows 10 IoT Core. Although there have been few hacks to run .Net Core on Windows 10 IoT Core by the support of community here which makes .Net Core runtime component available on Windows IoT Core but the SDK was not available so any DLR features were not available nor you could build .NET Core application from within Windows 10 IoT Core.

Here is the step-by-step guide on how to create and run .NET Core 3 apps on Windows 10 IoT Core.

Step 1:

Download .NET Core 3 preview 2 SDK from here.

Step 2:

Extract the SDK zip file in C:\Program Files\dotnet\ directory on Windows 10 IoT Core through ftp service ( on windows go to RUN then type \\{ip-address}\c$ where{ip-address} is the ip address of windows iot core).

Step 3:

Open Powershell in administrator  mode, initialize a Powershell session with your Windows IoT core device and add C:\Program Files\dotnet\  path into Windows IoT Core Path Environment variable.

Step 4:

Now you can simply check version of .NET Core with command:

dotnet --version

Next, lets start with a simple hello world console application with dotnet cli tools:

mkdir myconsoleapp
cd myconsoleapp
dotnet new console

The commands above create a new directory named myconsoleapp, creates a new  .net core 3 console application (that prints Hello World on console) and restores Nuget packages required for the console app. Now lets run the application with command:

dotnet run

ASP.NET Core 3

Step 1:

Now lets try the exciting ASP.NET Core 3 app on Windows IoT Core. First create a new directly for the web app and then create asp.net core 3 project with .NET Core 3 CLI tools:

mkdir mywebapp
cd mywebapp
dotnet new webapp

The above commands create a default asp.net core 3 web app with razor pages.

Step 2:

Now before we run it, we are going to make a small change in Program.cs file. We will host the app on port 5001 so replace Program.cs with following code.

Step 3:

Now we will open port 5001 on Windows IoT Core so we could browse the web application (from outside the Windows IoT Core) through our browser.

netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name=”ASP.NET Core Web Server port” dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=5001

Step 4:

Finally, run asp.net core webapp project with command:

dotnet run

Open your favorite browser and go to the link {ip-address}:5001 (where {ip-address} is the ip of your Windows IoT core), you should see asp.net core 3 application running on your windows 10 iot core :-)


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